SWOODOO: Flüge, Hotels & Autos
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SWOODOO: Flüge, Hotels & Autos

  • Latest Version
  • KAYAK.com

The SWOODOO app finds flights, hotels and rental cars with a low price guarantee

About this app

SWOODOO is a travel app that lets you search for cheap hotels, flights, accommodation and rental cars. Our search engine makes travel planning easier for you and searches countless websites for the best travel offers so that your vacation starts with stress-free planning. Wherever your trip takes you, with us you can find the best deals and easily book cheap flights, rent your car and stay in the perfect room.


You can find the cheapest flights with our search, named the best in Germany by Focus Money. You can easily search for results with flexible cancellation or free changes so you can rebook or cancel if your travel plans change. Planning stress is a thing of the past!

- Flexible dates: With our calendar view you can immediately see when you can book cheap flights.
- Practical filters: Find offers that exactly match your needs - be it cabin classes, departure times or number of stopovers.
- Low price guarantee: We find the hottest deals for you. If this is not the case, there is our low price guarantee.
- Saved profile: If you save your profile in our travel app, you can book cheap flights even more easily in the future.


Do you want to drive to a neighboring country, take a road trip through Germany or do you just need a rental car for a weekend? With SWOODOO's practical search you can quickly and easily rent a car that exactly suits your needs.

- The best car rental companies: Find the right rental car from our trusted partners.
- Go green: With our filters you can easily search for electric and hybrid cars to make your road trip more environmentally conscious.
- Different vehicle classes: If you want to rent a specific car, you can search directly for the desired vehicle class.
- Flexible planning: If your plans change, simply book a rental car with flexible changes and free cancellation.


Whether it's a hotel in the city, a holiday apartment in the country, a hostel in the center, a villa on the beach, a holiday home in the south or a chalet in the mountains: with SWOODOO's hotel search you will always find the right accommodation that exactly meets your travel ideas and needs. The best part? If you choose risk-free booking and a flexible option, you may be able to easily rebook without any fees until shortly before your trip.

- Domestic travel: Easily find accommodation for your stay in the best travel destinations in Germany.
- Flexible options: We will find hotels and holiday apartments for you that you can rebook or cancel without any stress.
- The right amenities: Do you have a clear idea of ​​what your accommodation needs to have? No problem with our filters!
- Real reviews: Read reviews from other travelers and make your decision with a clear conscience.


Your vacation from work is booked, you really feel like traveling, but you don't know exactly where to go yet? Don't panic, because with Explore - our travel planner - you can easily set your budget and the radius using SWOODOO's travel app and you're ready to go.

- Your travel budget: Decide how much you want to spend on your vacation and find cheap flights that fit your budget.
- Convenient map view: Find a radius within which you want to travel and the cheapest offers.
- Inspiration for your trip: Discover new destinations you would never have otherwise considered.

Download the SWOODOO app now and travel the world safely, cheaply and easily!

Versions SWOODOO: Flüge, Hotels & Autos