Logic Calculator

Logic Calculator

  • Latest Version
  • Aulos Rafael

Calculate and interpret the result of propositional logic formulas.

About this app

With this app, you can:

- verify if a sequence of characters is a well-formed formula (WFF);
- obtain the Normal Polish Notation (NPN) - i.e., a prefix notation - of propositional logic formulas;
- obtain the Reverse Polish notation (RPN), i.e., a postfix notation - of propositional logic formulas;
- obtain the subformulas of propositional logic formulas;
- obtain a disjunctive normal form (DNF) and a conjunctive normal form (CNF) formulas of propositional logic formulas;
- generate truth tables for propositional logic formulas;
- assign truth values ​​to propositional symbols and obtain the interpretation of propositional logic formulas.

Furthermore, you can choose different precedence orders for the logical connectives.

Versions Logic Calculator