Wifi Finder: Open Auto Connect
  • 3.8

Wifi Finder: Open Auto Connect

  • Latest Version
  • The Next Gen Apps

Connect to nearby open network available automatically when WiFi is on.

About this app

Manage WiFi connections and auto connect to open WiFi networks available.

App Features :

1. WiFi List
t- Get list of WiFi information with all details like mac address, WiFi name, open/protected network, signal strength, etc;
t- In WiFi list, connected WiFi will be highlighted.

2. Connected List
t- List of connected devices in particular WiFi or mobile network is shown.
t- WiFi name, WiFi IP Address, total number of devices found shown.
t- Each device connected, IP Address and Gateway shown in the list.

3. Speedometer
t- Test data speed of WiFi / mobile network.
t- Ping in MS, Host, download and upload speed in MBPS are shown in the speedometer.
t- You can restart test if you want to test speed again.

4. WiFi Strength
t- WiFi signal strength is measured and shown in percentage in the meter.
t- Other details shown like
ttRSSI in dbm,
ttSSID (WiFi Name),
ttLink Speed in MBPS,
ttFrequency in MHZ,
ttSignal strength from Best, Good, Low, Very Weak, Too Low.

5. Network Info
t- Get complete WiFi Network details like
tt- IP Address,
tt- SSID, Hidden SSID, BSSID, IPv4, IPv6, Gateway IP, Host-name
tt- DNS(1), DNS(2), Subnet Mask, Network ID, MAC Address, Network Interface, Loopback Address, Local-host
tt- Frequency, Network Channel, RSSI, Lease Duration, Transmit Link Speed, Receive Link Speed, Network Speed, Transmitted data in MB/GB, Received data in MB/GB
tt- WPA Supplicant State
tt- 5GHz Band Support, WiFi Direct Support, TDLS Support, WPA3 SAE Support, WPA3 Suite B Support.

6. Data Usage
t- Mobile data usage and WiFi data usage is monitored.
t- Details shown like
tt- Total mobile data usage, Sent mobile data usage, Receive mobile data usage
tt- Total WiFi data usage, Sent WiFi data usage, Receive WiFi data usage
t- Week overview bar chart is shown for total mobile data usage and total WiFi data usage in each day of week from Monday to Sunday.

Permissions Used :


'WiFi Finder: Open Auto Connect' app uses permissions for getting WiFi name and other some details.

'WiFi Finder: Open Auto Connect' app uses 'PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS' permission for 'Data Usage' function to Track daily mobile and WiFi data usage, show weekly chart of data usage.

Versions Wifi Finder: Open Auto Connect