Ofook Mart Delivery

Ofook Mart Delivery

  • Latest Version
  • مؤسسة افق لتقنية المعلومات تصميم مواقع و تطبيقات

Ofoq Food Delivery is an integrated system to help delivery workers to do their job easily

About this app

Ofek Food Delivery is the first automated home delivery management solution, that uses artificial intelligence to digitally simulate real-world operations and deal with everyday situations. An artificial intelligence system capable of self-learning to improve every aspect of the delivery process.
The basic idea is to put the entire delivery process on autopilot, practically managing itself.
Everything becomes automatic. Requests are collected instantly. Routes, optimized automatically, orders sent to fleets instantly. Even the team is managed automatically. On the ground, we have our own unique AI performance system that instantly measures the performance of precise agents on each task.